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  • Writer's pictureMadeline Morkin

Wear The Damn Mask.

Updated: Jan 7, 2021

We’re sitting solitarily in our unique situations, but we need to understand worldwide fear and loss on an individual scale that is larger than our own.

We routinely sip our morning coffee in front of televised news reports which ring their typical monotone, unaffected statistics of increasing numbers but rarely ever detail the emotion behind each dwindling family. And so, as the months have progressed, and the numbers continue to heighten in cases and losses, we all have become immune to the reality of this pandemic’s intimate place in each, unique home.

We've been socially mandated to anti-socially consider and connect with the elderly, the immunocompromised, the special cases, the fears of every single person. But, right now, nobody can fathom the experiences of anyone except themselves, because we can't wipe away any tears or feel any fears but our own.

We stare at each other 6 feet apart, over neighborhood fences as we ask and answer what we think but don’t know, say but don’t practice, and judge but do anyway. There is so much emotion behind these world-wide closed doors, but none of us will ever be able to fully comprehend how this affects each family, each neighbor, each person differently… because 6 feet apart, you can’t feel a heartbeat. Just try.

This is about so much more than you, wear a mask for your neighbor.

What keeps you up at night?

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