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  • Writer's pictureMadeline Morkin

Are You My Soulmate?

Updated: Dec 17, 2019

My roommate firmly believes that there is one person meant for each person on this planet, often referred to as a soulmate. But certain days, when the number of people who have died does not equal the number of those who were born, there is an odd number of people on this beautiful planet that we call earth. How are you going to explain how everyone has a soulmate then, huh? And if there is one person for every person and 7 billion people on this planet... or 7 billion and one some days (when it all doesn't add up quite right), how in the hell am I supposed to find that one person? I can't even find my mom in the grocery store after she tells me to go grab the cereal and meet her by the milk. Make no mistake, despite all the new additions to the milk refrigerator--I'm talking Soy, Almond, Oat-- it's really still not that big. Maybe it's just my bad eyes though. So then, if it is my bad eyes, will they choose someone else's soulmate because my vision is so obscured? And, in turn, will this poor vision decision leave my own personal soulmate roaming the streets of Italy or some exotic island where he awaits my arrival at his own milk refrigerator..? Figuratively, of course. You're telling me he's standing there all in his lonesome, sulking his days away in the hopes that someday I may meet him there? Meanwhile, I'm on the other side of the store still looking for mom, my phone just died, and I'm trying samples at the deli counter falling for the butcher. I don't know, maybe I just don't buy into the whole soulmate thing. Prove me wrong, and I'll love you forever.

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